الخميس 7 رمضان 1446
Thursday Ramadan 7 1446
Thursday 06 March 2025
The Awliya (Hadith)
- Details
- Written by Anwar-un-Nabi (انوارالنبی ابن نسار احمد)
- The Awliya' (Friends of Allah / Walli'Allah)
We are yet told of another group of people amongst this community, who like the Abdal are neither Prophets nor martyrs, yet they are close to Allah. It is reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, once said after the salat:
‘O people! Listen to this, understand it, and know it. Allah has servants who are neither Prophets nor martyrs and whom the Prophets and martyrs yearn to be like, due to their seat and proximity in relation to Allah.’ One of the Bedouin Arabs who came from among the most isolated of people twisted his hand at the Prophet and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! People from humankind who are neither Prophets nor martyrs and yet the Prophet's and the martyrs yearn to be like them due to their seat and proximity in relation to Allah?! Describe them for us!’
'The Prophet's face showed delight at the Bedouin's question and he said: ’ ...