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Hazrat Khwājā Bāyazīd Bastāmī, known as Sultān al-Ārifīn, king of the Awliya, may Allah’s mercy be showered upon him forever, was born in 136 AH (753/754 CE) and passed away on 15 Sha’bān 261 AH (24/25 May 875 CE). He was born and lived most of his life in Bastām (also called Bistam or Bustam), situated currently in the Semnan province of Iran.

The next in the Naqshbandī Mujaddidī Tāhirī spiritual golden chain is Shaykh Abul-Hasan al-Kharaqānī.

Related Books

Junaid wa Bayazid (Urdu) by Pir Abdul Lateef Khan Naqshbandi, 2002.

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The Holy Messenger of Allah the Almighty صلي الله عليه و سلم is quoted on the authority of Abu Huraira رضی الله تعلٰی عنه to have said:
“Allah the Almighty says, ‘I am towards My servant as he is towards Me.  I am with him when he remembers Me (dhikr).  If he remembers Me within himself, I remember him within Myself.  If he remembers Me in a gathering, I remember him in a gathering better than it.’”

(Sahih Al-Bhukhari V2, P1101) [src] p5, 4 Natijatu Al-Fikr Fi Al-Jahri Fi Al-Dhikr (Outcome of Contemplation over Vociferous Dhikr) an extract from Al-Hawi Lil Fatawa  by Jalal Al-Din Al-Suyuti رحمتاالله علیه, Dar-ul-Ehsan Publications