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8. Hazrat Abu Ali Farmadi h

[ to be translated in English ]

جلوت وخلوت مری گہواۂ وحدت بنے
[ to be translated in English ] بوعلی حق کے ولی حق آشنا کے واستے

- Extracts from Sijra-ay-Tayyiba - Shiekh Syed Mahmood Hassan Rizvi (Rehmat'ullah Alaiyh)
حضرت سیدمیاں محمّد حسن محمود رضوی نقشبدی مجددی عزیزی رحمتاالله علیه

Translation to English by Anwar-un-Nabi [please forgive any mistakes]

Hadhrat Shaykh Abū-Alī Fadl ibn Muhammad al-Fārmadī at-Tūsī qaddasa-Allāhu sirrahū (may Allāh sanctify his secret) was a great master of Sufism in the fourth century AH. He received spiritual secrets by the Uwaisi method from Shaykh Abul-Hasan Kharaqānī quddisa sirruhū.
The noble grave of Khwaja Abu Ali Farmadi

The noble grave of Khwaja Abu Ali Farmadi

He was son-in-law of Shaykh Abul-Qāsim Gurgānī quddisa sirruhū (d. 450 AH) and his chief spiritual successor.  Shaykh Gurgānī received spiritual secrets from Shaykh Usmān Maghribī, who received from Shaykh Abū-Alī Kātib, who received from Shaykh Abū-Alī Rūdbārī, who received from Imām Junaid al-Baghdādī, and this chain goes to Sayyidinā Imām Alī, radiy-Allāhu anhum ajma’īn.

Abu `Ali al-Farmadhi at-Tusi
May Allah Sanctify His Soul

"O child! said Luqman the Wise,
Do not let the rooster be more watchful than you,
calling Allah at dawn while you are sleeping."
He is right, he who said:
"The turtle-dove wept on her branch in the night
And I slept on--what lying, false love is mine?
If I were a true lover, never would turtle-doves overtake me.
I am the dry-eyed lover of his Lord, while animals weep!"

Ghazali, Ayyuha-l-walad.

He is called the Knower of the Merciful and the Custodian of Divine Love. He was a scholar of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence and a unique `arif (endowed with spiritual knowledge). He was deeply involved in both the School of the Salaf (scholars of the First and Second Centuries) and that of the Khalaf (later scholars), but he made his mark in the Science of Tasawwuf. From it he extracted some of the heavenly knowledge which is mentioned in Qur'an in reference to al-Khidr : "and We have taught him from our Heavenly Knowledge" [18:65].

A man asked the Prophet about the Hour (i.e. Day of Judgment) saying, "When will the Hour be?" The Prophet said, "What have you prepared for it?" The man said, "Nothing, except that I love Allah and His Apostle." The Prophet said, "You will be with those whom you love." We had never been so glad as we were on hearing that saying of the Prophet (i.e., "You will be with those whom you love.") Therefore, I love the Prophet, Abu Bakr and 'Umar, and I hope that I will be with them beCause of my love for them though my deeds are not similar to theirs.

(Narrated by Anas - al-Buhkhari 5.37) [src: alim.org]