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19. Hazrat Ubaydullah Ahraar h

[ to be translated in English ]

یاالٰہی نورِ حق سے دِل مرا معمُور کر
[ to be translated in English ] شہ عبیداﷲ ذیاۓ حق نما کے واسطے

- Extracts from Sijra-ay-Tayyiba - Shiekh Syed Mahmood Hassan Rizvi (Rehmat'ullah Alaiyh)
حضرت سیدمیاں محمّد حسن محمود رضوی نقشبدی مجددی عزیزی رحمتاالله علیه

Translation to English by Anwar-un-Nabi [please forgive any mistakes]

Hazrat Sayyidinā Khwājā Ubaydullāh Ahrār Naqshbandī quddisa sirruhū (806-895 AH) was the leading Naqshbandi shaykh in the Central Asian states during the 9th century Hijri. He was born in Ramadān 806 AH (March/April 1404 CE) and passed away on 29th Rabī al-Awwal 895 AH (19/20 February 1490 CE). His final place of rest is located in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, which is a place of pilgrimage for the followers of the Naqshbandi Sufi order.

The next in the Naqshbandī Mujaddidī Tāhirī spiritual golden chain is Shaykh Muhammad Zāhid Wakhshī.

Ubaydullah Al-Ahrar
May Allah Sanctify His Soul

"As soon as I remember You -- my secret, my heart,
And my spirit starts to disturb me during Your remembrance.
Until an observer from You used to call to me,
'Beware, beware -- of remembrance beware.'
Do you not see the Real? His proofs appeared.
The meaning of totality joined Your meaning.
The rememberers when remembering him
Are more forgetful than the ones who forget to remember Him.
The Prophet (s) said, 'The one who knows Allah,
His tongue is paralyzed.'"


He was the Pole of the Circle of the Knowers of God, an Ocean of Knowledge which would never be exhausted, even though all of creation were to drink from it to quench their spiritual thirst. He was a King who owned the pure light of the Unique Essence and released it from its captivity in the Hidden to spread it among all Knowers. He unveiled the hidden side of the moons of the Attributes of the Lord from the cradle until his perfected state. He was given authority as a youth and set to work to receive the Secret of Secrets and to unveil the Veils. He never looked at a worldly desire. He progressed until he reached the highest states of sainthood, where knowledge of the Essence of the Unseen is bestowed and the secret of Absolute Nihility becomes revealed. Then he travelled on from Absolute Nihility to Absolute Light. Allah revived this Order through him during his time and He supported him with His Favor. He made him a golden link in this Golden Chain, and He made him one of the most elevated inheritors of the Prophet (s).

 "Truly, Allah does not remove Sacred Knowledge by taking it out of servants, but rather by taking back the souls of Islamic scholars [in death], until, when He has not left a single scholar, the people take the ignorant as leaders, who are asked for and who give Islamic legal opinion without knowledge, misguided and misguiding"

(Sahih Bukhari - Fath al-Bari, 1.194, hadith 100) [src: suhba.org]