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Ḥaḍrat Khwāja Muḥammad Zāhid Wakhshī qaddas-Allahu sirruhu was one of the chief deputies of Khwāja Aḥrār quddisa sirruhu. He lived in Vakhsh (or Vakash), a small town in present-day Tajikistan, about 100 km South of the capital Dushanbe. He was a close relative of Mawlānā Yaʿqūb Charkhī, and according to Ḥaḍrāt al-Quds, he was his maternal grandson.

He was first initiated in the Naqshbandi Order by Khwāja Muḥammad Yūsuf who was a deputy of Mawlānā Yaʿqūb Charkhī quddisa sirruhuma.

He passed away on 1st Rabīʿ al-Awwal 936H (3/4 November 1529) in his hometown Vakhsh and was buried there. His tomb is a place of pilgrimage for the people.

His spiritual successor was his nephew Hadhrat Khwaja Durwesh Muhammadquddisa sirruhu.

The next in the Naqshbandī Mujaddidī Tāhirī spiritual golden chain is Khwaja Durwesh Muhammad.

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Narrated by Ubayy ibn Ka'b (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anhu): "I said: Allah's Messenger (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam), I invoke blessings upon you very frequently. How much of my supplication should I devote to you. He said: As much as you like. I said: May it be a quarter? He said: As much as you like, but if you increase it, it will be good for you. I said: May it be a half? He said: As much as you like, but if you increase it, it will be good for you. I said: May it be two thirds? He said: As much as you like but if you make an increase in it, it will be better. I said: May I devote the whole of my supplication to you (that I make in my prayer)? Thereupon he said: In that case it will take care of you and your sins would be expiated."

Tirmidhi transmitted it. Hadith No. 929 of Mishkat al-Masabih. [src: road-to-heaven.com]